How to Power the System On and Off

  • Open the LIV+ 2 App
  • Select the System
  • Press the power slider for the Hub to On.
  • Press the power slider for the Hub to Off.

System State

  1. Off
  2. Warming
  3. Protected

Global Status

  1. Off
  2. Warming
  3. Protected
  4. Soft Error (yellow repeller) - Unplug device, wait 30 seconds before plugging back in
  5. Hard Error (red repeller) - call Thermacell support

Reset Refill Life

  • Open the LIV+ 2 App and Select the System.
  • Press Reset and select the correct refill duration.
  • Select Confirm.

Setting up Schedules

  • Open the LIV+ 2 App and select Schedules in the bottom navigation bar
  • Press Add Schedules (or select the + in the top right)
  • Press Add Schedule.
  • Press Name and type in a name for the schedule. Then, select Done.
  • Press the Time in the time block and set the time
  • Press Actions and select the name of the System. Select the Check Mark to Enable Repellers and ensure the slider next to Enable Repellers to the right on. Then, select Done and Save. You will need to repeat the same step to turn off the repeller by unchecking Enable Repellers and ensuring the slide next to Enable Repellers is set to Off.

Setting Timers

  • Open the LIV+ 2 App and click Timers in the bottom navigation bar.
  • Press Add Timer (or select teh + in the top right)
  • Press System Select. Then, press the checkmark next to the system under test. Then, press Done.
  • Set the time for the desired duration. Then, press Save. You will be directed back to the Timers Page

Create A Group

  • Open the LIV+ 2 App and click the (vertical ellipses) in the top right of the Home page. Then, select Create Group.
  • Type in a Name for the Group. Then, select Next Enter the name of the group.
  • Click the empty box next to as many onboarded Hubs as you would like to include in the group. Select Done.


  • Open the LIV+ 2 App and click Settings in the bottom nagivation bar.
  • Press Notifications.
  • All Notifications relating to your LIV System can be seen on this page.

Sharing the App

  • Open the LIV+ 2 App and select the system you want to share.
  • Click the i icon in the top right of the screen.
  • Click the Shared With dropdown.
  • Click Add Members and enter the email of another user with an existing account.
  • Shared User will need to navigate to their Notifications and Accept the Invite.

LED Hue and LED Brightness

  • Open the LIV+ 2 App and Select the System - This will bring you to the Hub page.
  • Use the LED Hue slider to select a color.
  • Use the LED Brightness to set the brightness.